The Midnight Sleeper Series

From the pen of Raeder Lomax

The Midnight Sleeper Series


"The train setting becomes a wonderful narrative device, featuring scenes reminiscent of those in many a French bedroom farce."

“Lomax has a knack for memorable phrases; one character, for example, has 'a face as long as a sermon,' and another ‘smiled the way a crab crawls.’"

“The author also has a gift for the sort of wiseacre repartee that one imagines people speaking in the Roaring ’20s.”

“The scene where Nachman is toying with a hapless, sweating man…is priceless."

Come along to the Jazz Age as it bursts onto the scene, 100 years ago, and yanks the Victorian era off of life support to give us the turbulent years of the 1920s: a time with no plan and no direction, but loaded with energy and creativity, and a madness that always rides piggyback on good intentions. Come along with Beau LaHood and friends to a world long gone and live in it as it is written and spoken. Hear the roar of coal-fired steam locomotives; board floating speakeasies just out of reach of the authorities in New York; visit distant lands where a different kind of madness is brewing as people speak as if no one is listening. Then encounter a sorceress reluctantly abiding in a world that dismisses all wonder save for the corrosive grab for power. Come, there’s no time to waste.

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“It’s not a place for a proper young lady of means,” Marbury Brush said.

“Zola’s blurry eyes drifted to a Chinese man wearing a blue silk embroidered phoenix peony court gown. He was backlit by the little things that he knew.”

“I fear I may lose my mind and do something only to lose you forever.”

“A vaudeville trunk, lingering in the corner, was indebted with unredeemable outfits from closed and forgotten shows.”

“Sooner or later a certain kind of woman would try on Gant on for size and find out that he was always too big and had to be taken in—but by whom?”

Berlin 1926: “I feel as if I’m in two worlds over here: one that can be touched and the other that is way out of touch.”

“A trembling voice howled from every direction of the forest and shook everything underfoot.”

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The Midnight Sleeper Series

by Raeder Lomax

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"As Manhattan turned to dusk, storefronts lit up and streaked the avenues with shifting shades of light, but it was in the side streets where wrong turns were made, that the lighting turned loneliness into a dim vignette as you confronted your dreams at the end of the day and wondered how much longer you could go on."